
Showing posts from July, 2018

10 Fantastic Benefits of Fermented Foods To Your Gut

The Benefits of Fermented Foods In nutrition world, there are tons of opinions over the “best” way to eat or “benefits fermented foods.” Some say: “Low fat, whole grains!” Others say, “High fat, low carb!”… “Grassfed meat!” Or “No meat!” … “Fresh fruit!” “No sugar (including fruit)!”… “Butter coffee!” “Caffeine free!” There are very few universal nutrition “laws” everyone can agree on, except for these: Water is essential Veggies are good for you   Fermented foods are REALLY good for you Fermented Foods 101 Fermented foods are a “code name” for probiotic-rich foods. Fermented foods are vegetables, fruits, condiments, meats, beverages, dairy and even some grains and nuts that are “cultured” or “preserved” and then transformed into natural sources of probiotics (healthy gut bacteria).’’ Humans have consumed fermented foods since the beginning of time. Without knowing anything about gut bacteria, our ancestors recognized the therapeutic qualities of these foods for stay...

The Ultimate Guide to the GAPS Diet

The GAPS Diet When you hear the word “diet” what comes to mind? If you’re like most people, you instantly think “weight loss.”   However, the word “diet” actually means “a way of life”—and diets simply entail the foods we eat on the daily for our best health. For some, the “diet” they follow actually means eating foods that help heal their body, if they are coming from a place of illness, disease or digestive distress. “Therapeutic diets” can help one do just that. Ever heard of GAPS diet ? If not…read on about how food can be your medicine—especially if you struggle with anxiety, depression or digestive woes . GAPS Diet 101 Back in the day, “paleo” used to be the only “real food” nutrition philosophy out there. Fast forward to today, and we’re bombarded with all sorts of diet philosophies about “keto,” and “AIP” and “specific carbohydrate diet” and “GAPS”…But what’s the difference? More than a weight loss approach, the above mentioned protocols are actually “therapeu...

The Best Leaky Gut Diet to Heal Your Gut for Good

The Best Leaky Gut Diet Is there an optimal leaky gut diet that can help you heal? Yes…and no.   What should you eat to heal leaky gut? While there is NO “one-size-fits-all” approach to diets and gut healing protocols, here’s how to customize a leaky gut diet to heal your gut for good and choose the best foods for your body. Leaky Gut 101 Before we jump in, let’s hit refresh for a moment to answer the question , What is leaky gut? Leaky gut , or “intestinal permeability” is a syndrome characterized by weakening of the gut tissue lining of your intestines and the “leaking” of food and unwanted proteins and particles into your bloodstream, in turn, provoking an inflammatory response and disrupting healthy bacteria and digestion.   Leaky gut happens when your digestive system gets stressed from environmental and lifestyle factors (i.e. overtraining, eating disorders, lack of sleep, poor diet, environmental to...

10 Best Paleo Protein Powders for the Modern Lifestyle

Paleo Protein Powder for the Modern Lifestyle—No Bloating Included Paleo protein powder seems like an oxymoron. After all, we all know our ancestors didn’t order Paleo protein powders on Amazon, or plug in their Ninja blender to whip up a post-workout Chunky Monkey smoothie. They got their protein from the “real deal” like deers, fish and buffalo. Paleo protein powder is more like a “pseudo-Paleo” food that falls within an 80/20 philosophy of eating (i.e. 80% of the time, eat real whole foods, 20% of the time, let life happen. Smoothies & Paleo Protein Powder Are the New Buffalo Nevertheless, thanks to human adaptation and the Industrial Revolution, life in modern times is a little different then “back in the day” and the protein shake or green smoothie have become dietary staples—especially for busy people on-the-go and fitness enthusiasts. Shakes and smoothies are also great options for folks who have special dietary needs, like gut issues or who are looking to put on we...

What Are GMOs?: The Definitive Guide to GMOs

Pop question: What are GMO’s?   Answer: “GMO” stands for “Genetically Modified Organism.” However what are GMO’s really (in layman’s terms) ? And, moreover, how do GMO’s impact your health? WHAT ARE GMO’S? Technically speaking : GMOs are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering (“GE”) or technology.   The GMO method of “creating food” creates unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacteria and viral genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods.   Similar to pumping up conventional beef and chicken with antibiotics and hormones to make them “bigger,” GMO’s are used to mass produce agriculture, livestock and breed non-seasonal foods and cross-breed, ultimately creating formerly non-existent fruits and veggies. (For example: “Cotton Candy” grapes, those huge apples you see in the super market in the winter time—a non-apple season; or the “win...

5 Natural Proven-Effective Steps to Cure Endometriosis

How To Cure Endometriosis Endometriosis affects approximately 1 in 10 women during their reproductive years (ie. ages 15 to 49).   Endometriosis is the abnormal growth of cells ( endometrial cells), similar to those that form the inside of the uterus, but in areas outside of the uterus including: fallopian tubes, ovaries, intestines and other tissues lining your pelvis. Rarely, endometrial tissue may spread beyond pelvic organs. Over time, this displaced endometrial tissue continues to act as it normally would inside your uterus— it thickens, breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle.   Since this displaced tissue has no way to escape your body, it becomes trapped. If endometriosis involves the ovaries, cysts called endometriomas may also form. The tissue surrounding these cysts may also become irritated, eventually developing more scar tissue and thick adhesions — abnormal bands of fibrous tissue that can also cause pelvic tissues and other organs to st...