
Showing posts from August, 2018

The Dark Side of Bone Broth: One Thing You Need to Know

The Bone Broth Benefits You’ve heard about the bone broth benefits …but for some, bone broth may be doing your gut more harm than good. If you’ve ever experienced stomach pain or discomfort after drinking bone broth, here’s why…       Bone broth is a “gut-loving” food known for its mineral-rich immune boosting, gut healing and nutrient rich benefits.  Packed with gut healing amino acids and proteins, like glycine, glutamine, collagen and gelatin; and rich minerals in forms that your body can easily absorb including: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, and sulphur— Bone Broth is a “super food” for the gut to say the least. However… Even though bone broth is highly touted to “heal the gut,” if you have histamine intolerances, bone broth may actually make you feel worse—not better. Histamine is a chemical in your body that causes an immediate inflammatory reaction in your immune system when your body is threatened by an outside invader (like allergens in th...

14 Best Ways to Gain Weight (Without Harmful Effects)

Gain Weight Without Making Yourself Sick Move over “GOMAD” (Gallon of Milk A Day) and searching Dr. Google for the answers “how to gain weight fast”…Let these 14 essentials light the way.  So you want to gain weight , but you “can’t.” Some people call it a “hard gainer,” others call it “genetics,” others call it “not eating enough” or “working out too much,” and others wish they had your problem. No matter what your theory is behind why you CAN’T seem to gain weight …it sucks. While the majority of America is seemingly hyper focused on weight loss with 1 in 3 Americans overweight (1) (and more than 85% of all people overweight by 2030 if trends continue, 2 ), for those who struggle with putting weight on (or keeping it on), it can feel equally disheartening. Being underweight can affect your body image, strength and often times even health. I get it. “I’m a Hard Gainer” (Story of my LIFE) For most of my life I’ve struggled with my weight. Early Bloomer My pre-teens...

Th1 vs. Th2 Dominance: How To Boost Your Immune Function in Autoimmune Disease

What Is Autoimmune Disease? Every case of autoimmune disease is unique—from Celiac disease to IBD, Hashimoto’s, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and beyond, there are over 100 different types of autoimmune diseases. However, while each autoimmune disease seems different and has a different name, there is one common them among them all:   Autoimmune diseases are inflammatory diseases where your immune system is triggered and your body attacks itself.   The root cause of this inflammatory response? A leaky or unhealthy gut microbiome—the organ responsible for producing over 80% of your total immune system cells.   Why Are Autoimmune Diseases So Different? So, if autoimmune diseases are so similar…why do triggers and symptoms for “autoimmune flares” vary so greatly? For instance, one person with autoimmunity gets Hashimoto’s, along as an enlarged thyroid, shortness of breath, and constipation, while another person with Celiac Disease may experience weight loss, fat...

21 Healthy Bed Time Snacks That Are Good For You

Are Bed Time Snacks Healthy? To eat before bed or not eat before bed?  That is the question…no longer with these 21 healthy bed time snacks if hunger strikes. Many health blogs, bro-science and personal trainers will tell you that “eating at night is bad”—scaring you with claims that it “slows metabolism,” “makes you gain weight,” or “spikes insulin (blood sugar) levels.” For instance, a  2013 study found that, out of the 420 overweight and obese participants enrolled in a five-month weight loss program, the ”late eaters” (people classified as eating their biggest meal after 3pm) lost “significantly less weight” and took longer to lose it, than the “early eaters”, (those who ate their main meal before 3pm). Another study from 2005 ,  found that late-night eating (within 3 hours of bed time) was positively linked to indigestion and acid reflux However, many of these claims and “research” have been skewed! The missing links the “Don’t-Eat-Late-At-Night...

Whats the Big Difference in Good And Bad Bacteria?

How healthy (or unhealthy) is your gut bacteria? Find out how to tell here…. “Gut bacteria” is a buzz phrase used nowadays in health culture. From  probiotic commercials, to Dr. Oz re-runs, “Women’s Health” articles and kombucha bottles, it seems like more and more people are talking about the gut—and gut bacteria— but what is “gut bacteria” really? Is it good, or is it bad? Where does it come from? And what’s its role in the first place? Gut Bacteria 101 Like cells in your body, the bacteria in your body are a vital component of human life.  In fact, if you think back to 9th grade Biology. you cannot have life without bacteria. Although the word “bacteria” seems like a negative thing, much of your bacteria (“non-pathogenic”) actually help keep your body healthy and balanced—regulating your immune system, influencing digestion,  If you’ve ever seen the movie “Bubble Boy” (a 2001 flick starring Jake Gyllenhaal), the role of bacteria in your body make sense. With...

3 Most Effective Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Naturally

Table of Contents How to Lower Blood Sugar Naturally What is Ideal Blood Sugar? Causes of Hyperglycemia Symptoms of Hyperglycemia Natural Steps To Lower Blood Sugar Nutrition for Hyperglycemia Lifestyle for Hyperglycemia How to Lower Blood Sugar Naturally High blood sugar is a modern day epidemic with nearly 1 in 3 people who have “pre-diabetes” alone. Here’s all you need to know about high blood sugar and 3 essential steps to lower blood sugar naturally. Hyperglycemia 101 (High Blood Sugar) Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, is the poor regulation of blood sugar in the body. Your body needs sugar, or glucose (found in the energy from the food you eat), to function.   Blood sugar itself is not a bad thing, however uncontrolled blood sugar–either too high or too low–is not a good thing. When we have too much blood sugar   in our body, our cells don’t know what to do with all the extra energy, and have difficulty using and absorbing it into our body.  ...