5 Easy Health Habits (No Extra Time Required)
The Healthy Habits Tired of trying to eat perfectly? Workout most days? And curb sugar cravings ? Not with these simple(but effective) 5 game-changing healthy habits that take no extra time at all. “Eating healthy is _____” Hard. Boring. Requires so much effort. Expensive. #SaidMostPeople Even though we KNOW healthy eating is “good for us,” it doesn’t make it easier. Not to mention that 80-percent of Americans have no idea what “healthy eating” really means anyways, reporting they are “confused” with all the conflicting messages. Until now. Here are 5 Game-Changing Healthy Eating Habits that make a big difference in how you feel (and look)—little effort required. 1. Get a Waterbottle. Invest a few dollars in a stainless steel water bottle to keep filtered clean water on you at all times. More than 200 million Americans alone consume water with the carcinogen Chromium-6 in it (the cancer-causing chemical made famous in the Julia Roberts’ movie “Erin Brokavich”...