
Showing posts from April, 2019

How to Treat & Get Rid of CIRS 12 Essentials

    So you have mold illness or CIRS…now what?!   Sure, Dr. Google and Facebook groups can be helpful, but face it…when it comes to mold illness and mold illness recovery, the information can be completely overwhelming!   Do you have to get rid of all your stuff? What supplements should you take? Do you need to move to a dry climate like Arizona or Colorado? Should you just live in a bubble?!   Although there is NO one-size-fits-all approach to healing and mold illness recovery, there are several commonalities in helpful therapies, lifestyle changes and treatments that can help you kick mold illness to the curb (for good), including:   Top 12 Mold Illness Treatments   Remove yourself from mold exposure Breathe deeply Marie Kondo your life Build a capsule wardrobe Fog & guard your new environment wisely Sweat daily Eat fresh, organic nutrient-dense foods Love your gut microbiome & liver Use the right detox binder Add i...

Break The Rules #43: Thyroid Health 101: All You Need to Know with Elle Russ

Your thyroid is the metabolic mothership for ALL bodily process–gut health, hormone health and body composition included. Unfortunately, more than 1 in 10 people will develop a thyroid condition, but upwards of 60% of cases go undiagnosed for years until it’s a full blown disease. s, Thyroid expert Elle Russ tells us all we need to know about not just managing but healing our thyroid health. Elle Russ is a writer, speaker and show host of the popular Primal Blueprint Podcast. She is the 5th person in the world certified in Ancestral Health and is the leading voice of thyroid health in the Paleo, Primal, and Evolutionary Health movements.  Elle is the author of the bestselling book  The Paleo Thyroid Solution  and writer of the award-winning documentary  HeadHunt Revisted , and much more. She lives and plays in Malibu, California. You can learn more about her and her work at The post Break The Rules #43: Thyroid Health 101: All You Need to Know w...

How to Test for Mold Illness in Your Body

Do you have mold illness? Check out my top recommended testing methods to find out, including:   Mold Toxicity Checklist Mycotoxin Urine Test Bloodwork Gut Testing Liver Function Testing DUTCH Cortisol Hormone Test Visual Contrast Sensitivity Testing Mold Illness Refresher Let’s briefly review Mold Illness 101 before diving into my top recommended tests to know what we are looking for in the first place.   Mold illness or “mycotoxin illness” is a serious condition that is commonly referred to as “CIRS”—Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.   Unlike a disease—which is condition typically with a specific known cause and similar symptoms (such as insulin resistance, frequent urination and weight gain in people with diabetes)— a syndrome, like CIRS, is a much broader “collection of signs and symptoms” that may present differently in different people.   Signs & Symptoms of CIRS Common signs and symptoms of mold illness or CIRS include Res...

5 Most Important Steps to Get Rid of Mold in Your Body And Home

So you found you’ve had mold exposure or you have “CIRS” (chronic inflammatory response syndrome”)…now what? The following steps are the best practice for eliminating mold and cleansing from your mold exposure symptoms:   Step 1. Remove Yourself from Exposure Step 2. Identify & Reduce the Toxins in Your Environment Step 3: Reduce the Toxins in Your Body Step 4: Just Breathe (Clean Air) Step 5: Be Present     Here are your 5 steps for treating mold exposure, play-by-play:     Step 1: Remove Yourself from Exposure For everyone, the first and most crucial step in treatment, is to identify where the mold is located and to get away from it. For some this means temporarily moving out of their home in order to remediate it. For others this means completely leaving most everything contaminated behind (mostly porous, fiber containing items like upholstered furniture, rugs, books, clothes)—as if a fire had happened. While it may sound extreme, many anecd...

Break The Rules #42: Getting More Done by Doing Less with Kate Northrup

What’s the secret to “getting more done?” Doing less. Unfortunately, most Americans are in the opposite mentality. Approximately 3 in 4 Americans will experience “adrenal fatigue”or “burn out” at some point in their life. Seven-figure entrepreneur Kate Northrup has lived to tell about it, and now helps thousands of women worldwide “do more” in their lives, health and business by “doing less”…including us too. As an entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker, and mother, Kate Northrup has built a multimedia digital empire with her husband, Mike Watts, that reaches hundreds of thousands globally. They are committed to supporting ambitious women to light up the world without burning themselves out in the process. Kate teaches data-driven and soul-driven time and energy management practices that result in saving time, making more money, and experiencing less stress. Kate has a membership of over 1,000 entrepreneurs called Origin Collective that’s about infusing more feminine energy into...

CIRS & Mold Illness 101: What it Is

CIRS or “chronic inflammatory response syndrome” or “mold illness” is frequently talked about as a “health hazard,” but often overlooked contaminant when it comes to chronic disease or health conditions. What is “CIRS”? & Mold Illness   “CIRS” (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) is exactly what it sounds like—inflammation that arises in the immune system from a long-time exposure to a chronic health condition or environmental toxins (like mold ). Mold illness, or “biotoxin illness” are two common illnesses associated r “CIRS”—specifically for those affected by it environmentally by mycotoxins (molds, fungi, bacteria), heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic) and chemicals (endocrine disrupting BPA’s in plastics, glyphosate in plants and packaged foods, sulfates and parabens in shampoo and conditioner). Both acute or chronic immune dysregulation can wreak havoc on your health with a host of side effects including: Symptoms of  “CIRS”& Mold Illness “Allergie...