4 Reasons Why Probiotics Make You Feel Sick
Why Probiotics Make You Feel Sick Probiotics make you feel bloated, gassy or nauseas? Or maybe they make your skin breakout or bring on brain fog? Here is why and what to do about it… Your Probiotic Needs Are Unique The type of probiotic that is best for your microbiome is unique to every individual. Any probiotic that cause bloating, gas or digestive upset are not friendly for your gut. Ideally, if your probiotic is a good fit for you, it should promote digestive ease and regular, well-formed bowel movements that are easy to pass. Although a “healing reaction” may occur during the first 3-7 days while starting a new probiotic as microbial composition may shift, typically if digestive distress continues, it’s a sign that something else may be going on under the hood. 4 Reasons Why Probiotics Make You Feel Sick Here are 4 Reasons Why Probiotics Make You Feel Sick: Not all formulas are created equal. ...