The Best 14-Day Keto Meal Plan for Women Now

A Delicious 14-Day Keto Meal Plan & Supplements for Women-7 sample days of what to eat, plus non-boring creative meal ideas for mixing it up.

So, you’ve decided to give the whole “keto meal plan” thing a try.

How to Do the Keto Meal Plan for Women

Even though eating high fat used to be scary, you’re open to giving it a shot-bring on the butter and bacon! …

keto meal plan for women

You’re also looking to keep meals enjoyable, creative and delicious. (You’re a little concerned about getting burnt out on eggs, beef, cucumbers and coconut oil).

Furthermore, you’re hoping keto doesn’t feel like a chore, or like you’re a slave to counting calories or macros.

I’ve got your back with this 14-day body-boosting keto meal plan and supplement plan for women who want to:

  •  FEEL good
  • Ensure they are getting all their nutrients
  • And stress LESS (not more) about what you eat

 -With plenty of keto meal plan variety and creativity and variety to keep things interesting.

Keto for Health vs. Keto for Dieting

Unfortunately, when adopting any new way of eating, it’s easy to fall into the restrictive mentality:

Thinking about what you CAN’T have vs.what you CAN have.

Most keto diet articles, keto meal plan, books and YouTube videos teach you how to count macros and fat grams, shed body fat, monitor ketones in your breath, or get bigger biceps in the gym (courtesy of bodybuilding bros online)…

But NO ONE talks about:

  • Listening to your body
  • Supporting your hormones
  • Boosting your gut health
  • Fighting gut inflammation
  • Or ensuring you’re eating all the essential micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) you as a woman need.

After all, as a woman, there are a few things you need to be mindful about a keto diet meal plan.

And no one talks about whether or not keto is a lifestyle, or a short-term diet and body-fat loss solution.

The Big Keto Questions

Should you avoid carbs for the rest of your life?

Do you need to monitor your breath or urine ketones every day to make sure you’re still in ketosis?

Do you need to count your fat grams and carbs?

The short answer: None of these things.

In fact, when you view keto meal plan as a lifestyle (like this 14-day Meal Plan)…NOT a fad or restrictive diet…you CAN take a deep breath.

Long Term vs. Short Term Keto

If you’re transitioning to a keto meal plan or you’ve been doing it for awhile, it’s imperative to realize that keto has been studied and used extensively as a short-term diet solution for curing epilepsy (1), boosting brain power (2), balancing blood sugar (3) and shedding weight and body fat in obese individuals (4), BUT once you’ve transitioned into a lifestyle of ketosis, it doesn’t mean you’re bound there for life.

In fact, as this article explains, women may be able to handle more carbs than keto evangelists claim-and may even benefit from them in the long term from a hormonal and energy output (i.e. fitness) point of view.

In addition, for women who are ALREADY healthy (i.e. NOT obese, diabetic or experiencing horrible PMS), long term low-carb diets and/or not eating ENOUGH fat with their keto meal plan can be MORE stressful-not less-for your body, specifically your hormones.

Long-term low-carb diets can cause you to overproduce cortisol and norepinephrine. It can create an imbalance that increases pressure on the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands.

Unfortunately, it can result in symptoms of HPA-Axis Dysfunction including:

  • Difficulty attaining a healthy weight
  • Less energy and fatigue
  • Feeling unrested (even if you get enough sleep)
  • Constipation, bloating after meals and gut issues
  • Needing caffeine to feel “normal” or function
  • Insatiable appetite or complete lack of appetite (imbalance)
  • Anxiety, stress or low mood
  • Poor sleep
  • Craving/thinking about sugar or carbs
  • Poor workout results or recovery
  • Amenorrhea or horrible PMS
  • Not feeling like your “self”


Low carbohydrate diets can also impact the hormone Leptin-necessary for turning ON reproductive hormone function (like your period). Even if you ARE eating enough fat, leptin is turned on by carbohydrate metabolism, and in the long-term may be decreased through a very low carb intake.

No One Size Fits All

There really is NO one-size-fits-all approach to diet.

Some women thrive off extremely low carb diets, while others lose their period, or even gain weight after an initial rest. It all depends on TONS of other lifestyle factors like:

  • Your personal health history
  • Sleep and recovery habits
  • Your stress levels in other areas
  • Body composition
  • Hormonal or thyroid imbalances
  • Gut health
  • And beyond

If you have bacterial overgrowth for instance in your gut, then keto potentially can worsen the condition, as gut bacteria actually also feed off ketones. If you are burning a candle at both ends, and sleeping less than 6 hours per night, then your naturally elevated cortisol levels may be MORE stressed out by keto if you keep it up long-term.

healthy juice fruits keto meal planAlso, if you were eating sugar or a low-fat diet before, then your body will probably LOVE keto-a night and day difference from before.

You are NOT weak for going keto for a short term reset, then transitioning back to a modified keto (adding in a little bit more carb). And you are NOT strong for “sticking with keto meal plan” (even though it seems like your body is not responding favorably).

Simply put: Listen to your body.

Listening to Your Body: Balance (Not Keto Perfection)

For this reason, I’m a big advocate of a modified keto diet for many of my own clients interested in balancing their blood sugar, regulating their hormones, detoxing off sugar, or experiencing bloating or SIBO-like symptoms from carbohydrate intake.

What it entails?

A 7-30 day “keto reset” followed by a transition into a “modified keto,” incorporating BALANCE with a little more starchy carb and/or fruit to compliment their higher fat and moderate protein diet.

Keto Reset: 7-30 Days


  • Higher Fat with a variety of healthy fats (aiming for 50-60% of intake being from fat)
  • Moderate Sustainable Protein
  • Lots of Greens and Low-starch veggies for their carbs, sticking to 20-30 grams of “net carbs”)

Modified Keto-Longer Term

Eat balanced at each meal:

  • Healthy Fats with Each Meal (1-2 servings, and VARIETY-not just butter, coconut oil and bacon every meal)
  • Sustainable proteins (the size of 1-2 palms of your hand)
  • Lots of Greens
  • Starchy Carbs/Fruit (Incorporate approximately 1-2 additional servings of starchy carbohydrate and/or fruit back into your diet daily

The best part? No counting or ketone monitoring necessary.

By the time my clients reach the Modified Keto stage, 7 to 30 days later, and are re-introducing carbs, they are MORE connected to their body and how it feels-naturally.

They recognize when “brain fog” sets in, or their SIBO symptoms (bloating) flares, or when they feel like they have a lot more energy and strength in their daily life. They are better able to self-regulate the just-right amount of carbohydrate and timing for their body (for instance in the evenings before bed, or after a workout).

It won’t come overnight, but if you stick to the philosophy of “balance” and tune in to HOW YOUR BODY FEELS, instead of what you “should eat” or what your keto monitor says, your body won’t steer you.

Here’s a sample 14-day keto meal plan including:

  • 7 days of a “Strict” Keto (low carb) sample
  • 7 days of a “Modified” Keto sample
  • daily supplement plan

14-Day Keto Meal Plan & Supplement Plan for Women

Keto Meal Plan Food List: Eat in Abundance

Sustainable Proteins:

  • Wild caught fish
  • Pastured poultry
  • Grass-fed beef and bison
  • Organic organ meats
  • Chicken Broth

Healthy Fats

  • Avocado
  • Avocado Oil Mayo
  • Pastured Egg Yolks
  • Raw, soaked Nuts & Seeds
  • Grass-fed Organic Dairy (Cream, Sour Cream, Kefir)
  • Butter& Ghee
  • Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • MCT Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Pastured Bacon
  • Coconut Butter
  • Olives


Fermented Foods

  • Sauerkraut
  • Fermented Veggies
  • Coconut Yogurt
  • Water Kefir
  • Goat’s Milk Kefir/Kefir



*Eat ENOUGH veggies. Only 1 in 10 Americans eat 3 or more servings/day. This is a pitfall of keto.

  • Dark leafy greens
  • Green veggies (Zucchini, Asparagus, Cucumber, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts)
  • Cauliflower
  • Mushrooms
  • Bell Pepper
  • Spaghetti Squash


Occasional Starchy Tubers & Fruits

*After you’ve completed an initial keto-reset (7-30 days), eating less than 20-30 grams of carbs/day, reintroducing a little bit of starch may be warranted (especially for active women, women with hormonal imbalances or women without blood sugar dysregulation).

This is called “modified keto” and may entail a serving or two of starchy carbohydrate, such as sweet potato with dinner or squash with protein after a workout, while still being able to maintain ketosis (fat burning and using fat as energy first).

Starchy Tubers & Veggies

  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Butternut Squash
  • Acorn Squash
  • Carrots
  • Beets
  • Green tipped plantains
  • Yuca/Cassava
  • Taro
  • Snow Peas



  • Fresh or Frozen
  • Green Tipped Bananas
  • Berries
  • Citrus
  • Apples
  • Pears


7-Day Keto Reset



  • 2-3 Pastured Eggs in Grass-fed Butter
  • Organic Bacon (or Turkey Bacon)
  • Spinach, Zucchini & Mushrooms


  • Tuna Salad with Paleo Mayo atop Leafy Greens
  • Asparagus
  • Handful Macadamia Nuts




  • Savory Sausage (use ground turkey, pork or beef, no maple)
  • 1/2 Avocado
  • Spinach sauteer in Ghee


  • “Unwich:” Turkey in Collard Greens with Avocado, Mustard & Grass-fed Cheddar
  • Pickles


  • Herb Crusted Salmon
  • Leftover Cauliflower Mash with Ghee & Garlic
  • Tuscan Kale sautéed in Coconut Oil



  • Green Smoothie Made with:

Coconut Milk
1/2 green-tipped Banana
2 Pastured Eggs or Collagen Powder
Carob Powder-optional


  • Leftover Dijon Chicken Thighs
  • Cucumbers with Paleo Ranch










  • Grass-fed Beef Tacos with: Romaine, Guacamole, Grass-fed Cheddar, Lime
  • Roasted Zucchini & Yellow Squash drizzled with Olive Oil




  • Leftover Tacos over Power Greens
  • Guacamole, Cheddar & Lime Juice




  • Savory Turkey Sausage
  • Mushrooms & Power Greens



  • Pizza” (Coconut Flour & Arrowroot Crust) with Chicken, Basil Pesto, Olives & Optional Tomatoes
  • Greens in Paleo Ranch

7-Day Modified Keto Meal Plan



  • “Hash:” Organic Ground Turkey, Greens & Mushrooms in ghee
  • 1/2 Avocado


  • Chicken Salad with Paleo Mayo
  • Collard Green Wrap
  • Roasted Rainbow Carrots





  • Leftover Crispy Fish (from Tacos) atop Greens
  • Leftover Roasted Rainbow Carrots
  • Paleo Ranch
  • 1/2 Avocado


  • Grass-fed Steak
  • Roasted Asparagus
  • Power Greens sautéed in Ghee








  • Leftover Meatballs
  • 1/2 Sweet Potato
  • Roasted Asparagus drizzled with Avocado Oil









  • Leftover Meatloaf Muffins
  • Zucchini Chips




  • Scrambled Eggs, Pastured
  • Ghee
  • Mushrooms, Asparagus & Power Greens


  • Turkey & Avocado stuffed Lettuce Wrap
  • Roasted Assorted Veggies


Keto Meal Plan Support Supplements

fermented vegetables in a jar keto meal plan

Healthy gut bacteria to boost gut and all around health.

Take 1 in the morning and preferably 1 at night. Also, don’t neglect fermented foods (like sauerkraut and fermented veggies for food-based, lactic acid probiotics).

  • Pre-Biotic Fiber: Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum (like Sunfiber)

Prebiotics are essential fiber for digestion and maximal absorption of your probiotics. (Often low on a keno-diet). Take 1 serving/day in water or tea.

Helpful for fully breaking down you food (especially if you experience bloating or constipation around meals). Take 1-2 with meals to banish bloating.

Are you fully digesting your fats with your keto meal plan? If you gallbladder or liver are not in tip top shape, fats may make you feel sick or nauseas after eating them. Take 1-2 capsules with meals.

  • Fermented Cod Liver Oil: Rosita

Omega 3’s, Vitamin A and Vitamin D-essential for energy and absorption of all the healthy fats you eat. Take 1 tsp./day. Unlike most fish oils, fermented cod liver oil is less likely to go rancid.

Like these plans? Want More?

Join the Thrive Life Project-a 30 day nutrition, fitness, mindset and TOTAL BODY reset!

Whether you choose a Ketogenic-inspired diet or not, the Thrive Life Project was created for you to learn how to reconnect to your own body, find the way of eating and working out

that works for YOU (no one else), AND quiet the diet-rule noise in the health world.

Join the 30-day reset today and let’s reinvent the way your body LOOKS, MOVES AND FEELS on your own terms.

The post The Best 14-Day Keto Meal Plan for Women Now appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.

** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine **

The Best 14-Day Keto Meal Plan for Women Now via


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